Squashed Philosophers

Posted by | Anonymous | 29.12.10 | 1 Comment

In response to Chris's comment in a recent post, wishing that more philosophers could be schematized much like Alex did with Kant in his Critical Flowchart, I offer the following. It's been floating around the Internet for ages, but I remembered it when reading the post below.

Their own ideas, in their own words, neatly honed into little half-hour or so reads.
"Like reading the bible without all the begats" - Jim Curtis

(You really could read these in an afternoon.)


One Response to “Squashed Philosophers”

  1. peter
    2/1/11 10:57

    i've been reading hume this eveing and have reached section 7 - just about a third of the way thru. this leads me to conclude that it cannot be done in a single sitting. but then again i didnt attempt it in the afternoon - maybe those are the magic hours when this feat is possible. or perhaps i should of infered from the habit of experience that i have never managed to read any book of philosophy in an afternoon and therefore that this feat wasn't possible for me anyway...

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